NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 335: A Bait

Chapter 335: A Bait

Bloom didn't face any trouble outside against all those monsters. As far he was concerned, these people were trying just to stall and waste his time.

They didn't attack fiercely or even gathered themselves up. They just kept pouring out a steady stream of monsters that made him at some point quite annoyed.

"Fine, you want to play an attrition war to waste my time here then be it," he suddenly summoned more than two hundred monsters who instantly took every empty spot in the garden around.

The garden that once was a thriving one turned into a stretch of ruins. The fight this time went on a much wider scale, even though it included some chasing at some point.

"Keep killing them," Bloom stood on the back of one dark angel while overseeing all this. "Aim for the humans summoning them. Kill anyone that stands in your way."

Despite the fact that the scope of this war extended beyond the walls of Nara's huge mansion, he didn't hesitate to follow through.

He knew no matter how many monsters he killed, more would just pour in and replace them. The only solution for a swift end was through cutting the heads of the assassins, and this had to be done fast and neat.

However in the next ten minutes all that happened was a useless chase battle that made him far angrier.

"Fine, you wanna play cowards then let me force your hands," he ordered the monster underneath him to turn around before he jumped inside the vast room again.

"Is there something?" Nara was the first to run to him while Peri was the first to speak.

"I want you to enter one of the capsules now," he pointed towards a random one.

"Now?" Nara seemed surprised while Peri pointed to herself, "you mean me?"

"Yeah, just log in and enter the game," he nervously said.

"What about" Peri seemed more hesitant and skeptical than ever.

"We have no time," Bloom gritted his teeth, "just leave everything here to me. I want you to go back now."

Peri exchanged anxious glances with Nara. "And What exactly?" Peri asked while she started to move towards the rearrest one from the walls.

She selected one in the center of this room where she felt she would be safe there.

"Nothing," Bloom shrugged before clapping with his hands, "go now. I'll keep things here under control."

Peri didn't enter the capsule until Nara gestured for her to go. Once cover was closed and Peri entered the game world, Nara turned to face him while crossing her arms.

"I know you are desperate but I never imagined doing things without proper reasons."

"Who said anything about desperation here?" Bloom smiled and turned towards the hole in the wall. "I'm just throwing my bait to the sharks, hopefully they will be foolish enough to swallow it."

"You are using her as bait?" Nara managed to connect the dots in no time while her face turned upside down.

"Don't give me that look," Bloom sighed, "she is fine and won't be in any danger. In fact we are the ones who will take the heat here for her."


"Just stay here and don't move," Bloom turned to the hole before shouting with all his might: Come back, we are holding this point till the bitter end."

The next moment a lot of roars erupted all over the world before many giant silhouettes appeared from far.

"This is your plan? To stay back and defend?" Nara seemed a bit taken by what he was doing.

"We need to make this look like the real deal," Bloom smiled in a very calm way, "or else if we sent just one of our people in without proper protection from us here, they might suspect anything."

"They You" Nara seemed confused and unable to make her thoughts straight.

"Just trust me on this, alright?" he held her arms with his while giving her a very warm look.

And she nodded back with tears in her eyes.

"Now the question is whether they will take the bait or not."

Bloom didn't need to wait long to know the answer to his question. In the next few minutes all of his forces were gathered all around, turning the entire mansion and the garden around into a military fortress.

Yet the next thing happened was for more monsters to appear from the near distance.

"Here they come," Bloom stood on the back of one of his monsters while watching all these giant creatures drawing fast towards him. "At least this looks more exciting than fighting them in the game."

He tried to keep his mind clear. Before the fight restarted again he gave Nara a comforting glance. She was now left in the good care of his agents, and he doubted anyone would be able to best them.




The next moment loud explosions erupted while many monsters entered into a life and death fight. "Finally you brought forth all your cavalry I can deal with that."

Bloom watched hundreds of giant monsters moving relentlessly towards him. Just after a few minutes of the first clashes he spotted many dark and small shadows moving in between the wrestling monsters without fear.

"And here come the bad ones," he sneered while pointing like a warlord towards their direction, "go and get me their corpses."

He was surrounded by a hundred of his best monsters here. He gave the order to a small regimen of them, not exceeding twenty.

The next minute they did their best to kill players and assassins however he knew they would just be resurrected. "Keep killing them," he shouted without any speck of worry.

"So this is the distraction That means your real attack will come from here or there," he turned his head to glance over the mansion itself before finally realizing this might not be the direction his enemies here would take.

This attack seemed a bit blunt. In fact he felt desperation coming from them more than scheming. 

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