How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 340

Chapter 340


As I let out a complicated sigh, Gyuri flew up to my side and asked curiously, "What's wrong with them, Popi?"

"I think there's something off with them. They're not hurt or sick, but they're losing their life force for some unknown reason."

"Why is that, Popi?"

The unexpected answer came from the giant beast beside me.

-That's because of the curse of the forest.

"A curse?"

This huge forest drains their energy bit by bit. If they keep losing energy like that, they'll end up dead.

"Am I in danger too?"

No, if you only spend a few days in the woods, you'll be fine. It's only a tiny amount of energy loss, and you can recover it easily. But newborns are different. Even a little loss can be fatal.

"So, can we break the curse with a blessing from the fairy queen?"

The giant beast nodded slowly.

Me and even those lurking in the shadows survive in this forest thanks to the fairy queen's blessing. Without her blessing, no one can live here.

It was becoming clear why the Shadow Clan was apprehensive about the fairy world and why this formidable creature was braving this place.

Kuiii Kuiiin

A pitiful cry emerged from the pit, and in that fleeting moment, the young beasts appeared to be losing even more strength, struggling to breathe.

In the dire situation of the infant beasts, the giant beast gazed at me with an agitated expression. I could sense the weight of urgency in its eyes, urging me to take immediate action.

Alas, the curse of the forest was not a predicament that could be resolved easily. In that case, my only course of action was to buy some time.

"Wait a minute."

Rising from my seat, I made my way toward my companions. Halting at a safe distance, I raised my voice and shouted.


"SIHYEON! You need help?"

"Did you bring any potions? Something with Hap in it.

"Are you talking about that potion?"

Yes, please take out everything you have.

Andras promptly began rifling through his bag, retrieving a pouch that looked as if it had been neglected for some time.

He handed the pouch over to me through Terzan.

Is this it?

"Yes, thanks."

I hastily examined the potion within and made my way back to the spot where the cubs lay.

I desperately hoped that this would work.

With trembling fingers, I extracted one of the potions from the pouch and uncorked it, a sweet fragrance wafting about me.

-Kuiin. Kkuii..

Approaching the most exhausted-looking cub, I gently supported its chin with one hand and used the other hand to help the baby beast take the potion.


Despite the giant demon beast's anxious snuffling, I focused my attention on feeding the potion as much as possible.


"Just hold on a bit longer and drink this. You'll regain your strength in no time."

Fortunately, the baby demon beast thought the potion was its mother's milk, so it eagerly gulped it down as I offered it.

Concerned that the cub might be too exhausted to drink the potion properly, I was relieved when it emptied the bottle faster than I thought.

I gave one bottle of potion to each of the remaining four baby beasts in the pit. They all drank the potion hastily, following their survival instincts.

After emptying all five bottles of potion, I went around massaging each of them carefully, to help them absorb the positive energy from the potion as quickly as possible.

Kuiiii Kuiii

Despite their small size, after massaging all five without a break, sweat formed on my forehead quickly.

"Shihyeon, hang in there, Popi!"

Encouraged by Gyuri and the intense gaze of the giant demon beast, I continued the massage, concentrating for several minutes, forgetting the passage of time.

Gradually, the whining cries of the baby beasts subsided, and only their regular breathing echoed in the pit. Their expressions also became more relaxed, and they made a purring sound.


As I realized they were out of danger, I slumped down on the spot, wiped the sweat from my forehead, and felt my fingers and arms trembling from the intense massage.

Thanks to our efforts, the little ones seemed to have overcome the danger, and their life force, which had been in danger due to the curse, had stabilized.

Laughing in relief, I watched over the baby demons without a word.

Is it all good now?

Suddenly, the giant demon beast pushed its face forward and asked me a question, its alertness almost completely gone from its large eyes.

"Yeah, for now, I did what I could. They should be okay for a while."

"Hmph, stupid demon! I told you, Popi! Sihyeon doesn't lie, Popi!"

Gyuri responded to the huge beast with a triumphant face. How did that little body have such nerve

As I observed the babies without a word, the demon beast suddenly raised its head to the sky and let out a loud roar that shook the trees in the forest.


It was a cry of joy and contentment, not a warning or a threat.


-Kuiii. Kuiii.

The little demon beasts, resembling dolls, gathered around me, pressing their chins onto my thighs and nuzzling against my skin, suckling on my fingers. I couldn't help but smile at their adorable behavior, wondering if they recognized me.

It was hard to believe that these small and endearing creatures would one day transform into fearsome demon beasts.

The giant demon beast, who had been quietly watching over its offspring and me, spoke up.

Thank you for saving my Childrens life.

The beast's tone had become so soft that it could not be compared to the first time. I smiled softly and replied to the demon beast.

"They'll be okay for a while, but we haven't solved the real issue yet."

The baby beasts seem to have become healthy for a while due to the influence of the potion made with Hap, but they are still losing their energy little by little.

If this condition continues, just like before, they would slowly wither away and die.

The giant beast seemed to understand the gravity of the situation and nodded solemnly.

"You need the Fairy Queen's blessing to fix the problem for good, right?"

-Yes, we were supposed to get the Queen's blessing by coming here, but for some reason, I didn't receive it even after waiting for days.

There must be something wrong in the fairy world.

Krrr I can't go to the fairy realm.

It appeared regretful, casting a glance towards the entrance. If it could, it would have already charged into the fairy world right now and raised hell.

Don't worry, Popi! If Sihyeon and I go to the fairy world, we can solve the problem right away. Popi.


"Absolutely, Popi! All you have to do is wait patiently with your little ones, Popi!"

Gyuri, unaware of what had happened in the fairy world, spoke confidently.

Very well! While you are away, I will guard this place and ensure that no other demon beasts approach here

The demon beast vowed to protect the entrance with a dignified air. It was a troublesome existence when it was an enemy, but it felt reassuring when it offered to help like this.

"Thank you. Then you shouldn't fight with the people over there?"

Are you referring to the individuals hiding in the dark?

"Yes, they are my companions."


The demon beast seemed uncomfortable with my words, evidenced by its forceful snorting, and the shadow clan appeared equally displeased.

"If you refrain from attacking them, they will not attack you. I do not expect you to become friendly, but please wait quietly."


Eventually, the beast begrudgingly settled next to the pit where the babies rested, exuding an unexpected gentleness that belied its massive size.

After one last petting session with the young beasts, I clambered out of the pit and headed towards the party.


"Are you okay? Did you get hurt"

"I'm fine. After massaging a lot, I just lost a little bit of energy.

I acted nonchalant, not wanting to alarm those who were undoubtedly worried about me.

"That's amazing. I never expected you to defeat that colossal beast so quickly. Even when I witnessed it myself, I could hardly believe my eyes,"

"It's amazing really amazing!"

"Haha. I was just a little lucky."

Bardan and Terzan's surprise was evident, but I waved it off with a sheepish smile and shared the details of what had transpired with the demon beast.

"While Gyuri and I visit the fairy world, the demon beast promised to safeguard this place. Therefore, the Shadow Clan need not be too cautious,"

"Is that true?"

"Yes, it would not have lied when its children's lives were at risk,"

As soon as I finished speaking, the demon beast responded.

Krrrr! Of course. I'm not lying!

To my surprise, the beast responded despite being quite a distance away, its sharp ears attuned to our conversation.

"Now, Gyuri and I will depart for the fairy world,"

"Please take care, Sihyeon,"

"We will wait for your return,"

"Do not overexert yourselves,"

"Good luck."

Gyuri and I left the safety of the party and made our way toward the roots of the massive tree. As we approached, we noticed a large cave leading deep into the ground, following the path of the roots.

"This way, Popi! It appears to be this way, Popi!"

Gyuri, eager to return to the fairy world, rushed into the cave ahead of me. I proceeded cautiously, being mindful of every step.

Initially, I assumed the darkness inside the cave was impenetrable. However, as we ventured deeper, a mysterious light emitted from all sides, illuminating our path with its glow.

"Gyuri, can we really enter the fairy world through this path?"

"Yes, I sense it. Popi! The familiar sensation of the fairy world. Popi!"

With the light guiding us, we were able to navigate our way with ease, until we reached a point where the entrance was no longer visible.

As I continued to walk, I suddenly felt a sensation of dizziness, and my mind became hazy. It was a strange feeling, and I tried to call out to Gyuri, but before I could, my consciousness began to fade, and my vision turned pitch black.

(To be Continued)

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