Divine Mastering Dragon System

Chapter 4

C4 – Instantly Maxed out

“What do we do now?”

“The prince and the steward are actually fighting. Whom should we side with?”

“Pfft, you’re all so clueless. Obviously, we side with the winner.”

“Who’s going to win? It’s got to be the steward. Does that Loser Prince even stand a chance?”

The loud explosion had already drawn the attention of the guards, but the scene before them had everyone frozen in shock.

On one side was the Loser Prince, and on the other, the steward wielding actual power. In this critical moment, not a single person dared to pick a side.

Some were simply there to enjoy the spectacle.

Despite having served for many years, none of the guards took any action.

They had even contemplated their peaceful retirement plans for after the prince’s demise!

The steward, a practitioner of wind magic, was determined to go all out. His hands moved swiftly, tracing runes in the air, and a vicious Wind Blade shot towards Choo Qin in an instant.

“Your Highness, watch out! Run!”

At last, a belated shout from a guard rang out, followed by a shadow that lunged forward, shielding Choo Qin from the Wind Blade.

The Wind Blade’s sharpness was unmatched, severing the guard’s arm in a flash, and blood quickly stained the grey tiles beneath them.

The other guards exchanged uneasy glances, feeling a chill down their spines, and instinctively stepped back.

The steward meant business this time.

Choo Qin, taken aback by the guard’s sacrifice, snapped out of his shock from the influx of Experience Points.

​He felt a mix of anger and gratitude—anger at the steward’s lethal attack and gratitude that among all the guards, there were still those who stood by him. The Loser Royal Highness wasn’t completely abandoned after all.


Choo Qin looked at the steward Zhen Yin, his anger giving way to a smirk as he thought about his newly enhanced power.

“So you want to play with wind? Today, I’ll let you have more than you bargained for!”

As the steward made his move, Choo Qin’s Upgrade System chimed in with a notification.

[Beep. You have observed the Elementary Wind Blade Technique and have automatically learned it.]

[Elementary Wind Blade Technique (0/100): Launch a Wind Blade forward. The force of the Wind Blade is determined by the caster’s magical power and Rank.]


[Ultimate Wind Blade Technique (Max Level): Launch a Wind Blade forward, its power determined by the wielder’s Mana and Rank.]

After ascending to a level two Great Sorcerer, Choo Qin used the surplus of millions of Experience Points to max out his Wind Blade.

He immediately sensed the surrounding air’s essence.

“Wind Blade!”

Choo Qin lifted his hand, and several transparent air currents converged there.

Unlike the butler’s Wind Blade, upon reaching the ultimate level, he needed no Magic Runes. The air currents transformed into seven or eight Wind Blades, hurtling towards the butler.

Each Wind Blade was more refined than the last, the surrounding mana seemingly frozen in place.

The butler, caught off guard, had his expression of surprise etched onto his face.

With a heavy thud.

He collapsed.

And the castle’s rear walls shattered and tumbled down.

The Wind Blades sliced through them with ease, as if cutting through paper!


All the guards inhaled sharply.

“What just happened? Did Choo Qin win?”

“Unbelievable, the prince has been hiding his true power. He must be at the level of a High Level Mage.”

“What are you standing around for? Protect the prince and get moving! We can’t let that scoundrel Zhen Yin tarnish Thundery Castle!”

Some quick-thinking guards began shouting orders, ironically those who had previously scorned Choo Qin the most!

Their sudden shift in attitude was stark, leaving those who cared about their pride struggling to cope.


Choo Qin summoned another Wind Blade, blocking the guards’ path.

“Scram! From this day forward, you are no longer my guards! I, Choo Qin, do not need the likes of you.”

“In light of our past, I will spare your lives today.”

“But if I ever see you again, I will show no mercy!”

With a sweep of his arm, a powerful gust blasted the remaining guards through the broken wall, hurling them nearly a hundred meters away.

Whether they survived was no longer Choo Qin’s concern.

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