Celestial Peak

Chapter 574: Permission

Chapter 574: Permission

A kilometer away Chang Ping only caught a glimpse of Wang Ling entering a separate dimension with Bai Xue on a random mountain peak. There was only her in the surrounding area of a thousand kilometers thus she was the only one who felt the creeping intent.

[It's even stronger than the one he showed us in the War Room.] from what she could see, her master would only grow stronger. She should see it as him cheating in life, yet she couldn't bring herself to carry such sentiment.

The trials he had to get that power wasn't exactly something so easy to overcome. He had to die twice just so he could inherit something so powerful, and now, he's given the task of saving everything from being devoured by the darkness.

Chang Ping looked at the mesh of space, and as she approached it, she could already feel the obvious warp, [The spatial warping is so strong yet it remains stable. Like a stream of water, the space is ever moving without clogging the path. She walked the world with Master, and to think she'd be his destined partner. How funny fate works yet no one can question their compatibility. The only woman capable of matching his worth is her.]

Chang Ping was slightly disappointed at the thought that from the very beginning Wang Ling was already taken. It was saddening, yet what could she do other than accept things as they are she could never compete to earn the right and stand closest by his side.

"You seem downcast, Sister Chang Ping. You are still so soft after all these years."

From behind Chang Ping, a voice echoed. Cold and without a hint of flattering tone, she turned to see who it was and found a woman clad in all white, it was Wang Yue, "Heartbroken for a second time?" Wang Yue asked.

Chang Ping raised her brows but shook her head, "No, simply disappointed that I cannot even touch a sliver of his strength. It's amusingly laughable, is it not?"

"Well, Older Brother had always been a weird man, and Sister-in-Law had always been a weird creature from the very beginning. They are monsters that are not to be trifled with, Sister Chang Ping." Wang Yue argued.

She meant to lessen the burden in Chang Ping's heart, but a question roused, "Then, what about you then? We have the same title of having a God before our respective masteries, yet you who can stand against the Origin Race, carrying both their lineage are so much more capable. Your skills on the bow, your speed, I don't think even Wang Hong can match you."

Wang Yue laughed at her claims, "You'd be surprised what Older Brother Wang Hong can do, though it is true that he can no longer beat me since a thousand years ago and now that I have the perfect bow, I am now even stronger. But who knows? You have all been gifted by Older Brother Wang Ling and Sister-in-Law, right? Maybe you'd be able to do it."

A wry laugh was the only thing Chang Ping could respond with.

These two were the unlikeliest of friends born from fighting side by side for three thousand years. They were the ones who contended for the Northern parts of the Cosmos. Wang Yue would snipe and hinder the advance while Chang Ping would cleave everything in their paths securing dozens of worlds from the hands of the Abyss and saving billions. 

"So, what are you doing here? Wanting to ask Older Brother to forgive you for acting so cowardly before the Emperor of Death? If so, then do not bother, he'd probably even care for much, saying it is only natural." Wang Yue's advice.

They received the name of the Northern Protectors together, becoming legends. They knew each other inside and out. They even began writing each other letters even when they were far away from each other and if Wang Yue could not visit Chang Ping from her pose, she would send letters to inform her of the events outside her ears to hear.

"you said you hardly spent any time with him yet you copy him perfectly."

Wang Yue just shrugged her words with a laugh, "Either way, what do you plan on doing now? When Older Brother comes out, he would most likely enact his plans, he's not going to wait for anything, you won't be able to do anything when that happens by then. Are you okay to fight with your current state?"

"Just tell me what you want to say, Yue."

"Stay out of the fight, you are not going to be of help. You will be a liability to us, and will experience a meaningless death."

"You're also beginning to sound a lot like Master." 

Between friends even if the harshest truth is spoken, none would hurt the other. Such was the kind of friendship they carry between them. And though it hurt to heart it, and her words sounded weak, Chang Ping knew Wang Yue was telling her this so she could understand the truth of the matter. That Chang Ping would only die if she follows the plan.

"I know, but I wouldn't be staying, Yue. Don't worry, I won't be merely dead weight." Chang Ping wouldn't allow Wang Yue to stop her from regaining her name as Wang Ling's disciple.

"Don't be stubborn Chang Pi"


As Wang Yue was about to speak, Chang Ping suddenly moved. The sound of steel cutting the wind reverberated and though Wang Yue managed to erect an ice wall, it was still cut down.

Chang Ping looked Wang Yue in the eyes, "Don't worry, I already erased my hesitation the second I laid eyes to my Master's killing intent just now and with what he had given me and what I keep inside, even you will not be able to stop me, Yue.

"I said that I was disappointed because I cannot touch a sliver of his strength, but in terms of skills, I already reached far beyond what you can imagine, Yue. These past few years, I spent with my Master and receiving his instructions, I learned a lot and the only reason I am here is not only to apologize to my incompetence, embarrassing the sword I was given, but to also to inform Master that I would be using my Weeping Blood. I am tired of being a fodder, Yue."

Weeping Blood, the name used in these times when everything seemed bleak to Chang Ping. She already learned the technique and now, she was only hesitant to use it because of what it would transform her into.

"Master became the strongest because of his unhesitating attitude. He rose to his position because of his decisiveness. One that stuck to him even after mellowing down. One of the things he taught me if there is something that I want, then, I should get it with my own hands. If I want to kill, then, do whatever it takes to take their heads. I was afraid of what would happen to me if I use the Weeping Blood but now, even if he says it is too dangerous, I will still use it to help eradicate the Abyss. And you cannot stop me from doing so, Yue."

Wang Yue could no longer refute her words, if Chang Ping hadn't stopped, she would already be dead by now and that's before she activated what was given to her.

"Impressive well, I'd like to talk to you here, but with this, you should be able to meet with your children, right?"

"how did you know that? Have you have you been following me?"


"Then ho Wang Hong that guy's a big mouth." it could only be him and from Wang Yue's soft laugh, she knows that she's right, [Now I owe that guy.]


Wang Yue left in a hurry; her destination was to where the others were being held. Chang Ping followed suit after grumbling.

It took them only seconds to travel thousands of kilometers. They were just about to reach the Pagoda when all of a sudden, they stopped right above one particular house.

Their faces turned sour, then ugly, and the next second horrified. They looked at each other trying to see if they weren't hallucinating, but the shock in their eyes alone confirmed their fears.

Standing in mid-air, they looked down, and standing atop the house where Qinyang was resting was Wang Ling. 

He looked at them, smiling the same as he would always.

[But Master is already.]

It was not Wang Ling. Then, a Revenant!?

But as the two reacted to dispose of the Revenant, they failed to move for a split second as space warped and entrapped them on their tracks and the next second they freed themselves from its grasps, "Wang Ling" was already before them, smiling the same as before.

"How lively, you two are. But please keep it down, my Sister is still sleeping." The Emperor of Death said in a jolly tone.

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